Family name: LI
First names: ZHUYU
Place of Birth: Da Zhu county, Sichuan
Office Address: Centre for European Studies (Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence), Sichuan Univ., Chengdu, Wangjiang Rd. 29, 610064, P.R. China
Phone No.: +86-28-8541 1806 (O) +86-28-8541 2400 (O)
eMail address:
03/95-08/96 Postdoctoral (Statistics), The Centre for Multivariate Analysis, Department of Statistics, Pennsylvania State Univ., USA. (Advisor: C.R. Rao).
06/91-05/94 Doctor of Science, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima,Japan.
Dissertation: A Study of Nonparametric Estimation of Error Distribution in Linear Model based on L1-norm.
(Advisor: Yasunori Fujikoshi). Date of Degree Conferred: November 29, 1993.
04/85-03/87 Master of Science, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University, Hiroshima,Japan.
Thesis: On Kitagawa’s Method of Detecting Outliers by AIC Procedure. Date of Degree Conferred: March 24, 1987.
09/73-02/77 Bachelor of Mathematics, Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China.
Academic Appointments:
12/11-01/18 Executive Deputy Director & Academic Coordinator of The EU Studies Centre,International Regional Studies Institute of Ministry of Education, China.
08/10- Present Executive Deputy Director & Academic Coordinator of Centre for European Studies, Sichuan University
07/02-11/2011 Statistical Professor of Mathematical College, Project Administrator, Assistant to the Director of CES, Sichuan University.
08/98-06/02 Associate Professor, Assistant to the Director of Centre for European Studies (CES) & Department of Economical and Financial Mathematics,Sichuan University, China. (Statistics and Econometrics)
08/96-08/98 Research Fellow, Department of Economics II, University of Bonn, Germany.(Econometrics and Statistics)
09/95-07/96 Statistical Consultant, Statistical Consulting Centre, Department Of Statistics,Pennsylvania State University, USA. (Multivariate Analysis and Data Analysis)
11/94-02/95 Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, The Incarnate Word College, TX, USA. (Statistics)
04/87-06/91 Assistant Professor, Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China. (Statistics)
12/83-04/85 Visiting Scholar, Department of Mathematics, Hiroshima University, Japan.(Multivariate Analysis and Data Analysis)
02/77-12/83 Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Sichuan University, Chengdu, P.R. China.(Mathematics)
Selected Academic Projects (from 1996 ---):
* 2020-2022 Project Principal: "Understanding the Future Visions of the European Integration: The Perspectives of Young Researchers", supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme.
* 2018-2020 Project Principal: "Promoting the EU's Visibility among Young Business People in China’s SMEs", supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme
* 2016-2019 Project Administrator & Collaborator: "The Challenge for the Development of European Integration: Behind the Multiple Crises", supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme.
* 2015-2017 Project Principal: "European Integration: Realities and Challenges –Perspectives from Chinese Youth", supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme.
* 2014-2016 Project Administrator & Collaborator: "Training Young Teachers and Promoting the EU’s Visibility in West China",supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme
* 2012-2017 Project Administrator & Collaborator:“The EU Regional Policy and Its Implication to China”, supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme (LLP JMP 2012-2844)
* 2011-2016 Project Administrator & Collaborator: “Diversity in Unity: European Integration and European Social Development”, supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme (LLP JMP 2011-2869)
* 2010-2010 International Conference Co-Chair: “Advanced Topics in Experimental and Behavioral Economics–Intra-cultural and Cross-cultural Perspectives in Management Science”,supported by Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion, No. GZ 576.
* 2008-2013 Project Administrator & Collaborator: “On European Cultural Diversity in the Context of European Integration: History, Culture and Ideology in European Identification”, supported by EU Jean Monnet Programme (LLP JMP 2008-2753)
* 2009-2012 Project Administrator & Collaborator: “European cultural diversity policy and its Implications for China” (No.2009JJD810015), supported by The key research base for major projects 2009, The humanities and social sciences of Ministry of Education, China.
* 2008-2011 Project Administrator & Collaborator: “The European integration process in the Cultural Contradictions and Enlightenment Studies”, supported by Chinese Ministry of Education (No.08JA810018)
* 2007-2009 Project Principal: “Fuzzy approach to the uncertainty in the behaviour decisions”,supported by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences of China (NPOPSS, No.07BTJ003).
* 2007-2009 Project Principal: “Data Mining and Decision Fusion”, supported by the No.29 Institute of China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (No. 9140C100****0701).
* 2007-2008,Project Principal: Compare Study on the Consumption Model in Sichuan Provence by Parametric and Nonparametric Methods. Supported by Sichuan Statistical Bureau.
* 2006-2007 Project Principal: “Study of the Consumption Model for Leisure Expenditures of Residents in Chengdu City”, supported by Chengdu City Government, NO.27, 2006.
* 2006.8-11 Co-Project Principal: “Culture and Negotiation in Management–Experimental Methods in International Relationships”, supported by Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion, No. GZ379.
* 2005-2007 Project Principal: “The Impacts of Migration and Migration Culture upon European Integration:A Quantity Analysis”, supported by ESCP/G001-SCU-1.
* 2001-2005 Project Principal: “Nonparametric inference on uncertainty analysis in economic and financial model”, supported by National Planning Office of Philosophy and Social Sciences of China (NPOPSS, No.01BTJ003).
* 2001- 2004 Project Principal (jointly with Dr. Heike Hennig-Schmidt, University of Bonn, Germany):“A comparative study on the treating data uncertainty in economic models”, supported by NSFC( No. ****100005) & DFG (No.446 CHV 113/174/0-1).
* 2000-2004 Project Principal: “Applied Nonparametric Regression in Family Consumption Analysis”, supported by the National Nature Sciences Foundation of China (NSFC, No. ****0099).
* 2000-2001 Project Collaborator: “A Study on Unsymmetrical Employment and the Unbalance of the EU Labour Market in Relation to Higher Education”, supported by EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme (No. ****3123/00).
* 1999-2000 Project Principal: “The Impact of Different Policies in EU Member States on Research in Economics — the difficulty of getting access to official micro data and its reference to China”, supported by EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme (No. ****0060/99).
* 1996-1998 Project Collaborator: “Information und die Koordination Wirtchaftlicher Aktivitaeten (Information and Coordination of Economic Activities),” Sonderforschungsbereich 303,Supported by DFG.
Selected Honor and Awards:
1, The second prize of the Ninth National Statistical award outstanding achievements in scientific research, Chinese National Bureau of Statistics, Beijing, 2008.
2, The 3rd Award of Advanced Research in Social Science of Sichuan Province, China, 2008.
3, The 3rd Award of Advanced Research in Social Science of Sichuan Province Education Ministry of China, 2006.
4, Outstanding Supervisor for Undergraduates’ thesis, Sichuan University, 2005.
5, The Annual Silver Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Teach, Sichuan University, 2001.
6, The FIRST Award of Advanced Research in Science and Technology from The Sichuan Province Quantity Economical Association,2000.
7, The 3rd Award of Advanced Research in Science and Technology of National Education Ministry of China, 1995.
8, The FIRST Award of Sciences Research from the State Bureau of Statistics of Sichuan Province,1995.
Membership of professional bodies:
2006-2008, 2008-2010 IASC-ARS (International Association for Statistical Computing -- Asian Regional Section) member of Board of Directors
2006- Present, Member of The Council of Chinese Game Theory Academic Society
2005- Present, Reviewer of Mathematical Review, American.
2009-, Member of The Council of the Statistical Education Society of China.
2007-Present, Vice-Chair of the Chinese Society of Probability and Statistics, IIGSS.
2001-2009, Member of The Council of Chinese Applied Statistical Society.
2002 - Present, Vice-Chair of The Council of Sichuan Applied Statistical Society.
Co-chair on International Conference and Summer School:
* with German Partner at Bonn University, German on “Culture and Negotiation in Management – Experimental Methods in Intercultural Relationships”, Sino-German Summer School 2006.
* with German Partner at Sichuan University, China on “Advancd Topics in Experimental and Behavioral Economics– Intra-cultural and Cross-cultural Perspectives in Management Science ”, Sino-German Workshop, May 23-28, 2010, Chengdu,
List for relevant publications since 2000:
Selected Publications related European Studies & co-work with European Partners:
1. J. Shi and Z.Y. Li (2000), “Unsymmetrical employment and unbalanced labour market in relation to higher education: a comparative case study of EU and China.”European Studies Forum, Vol. 2:1-15. Centre for European Studies, Sichuan University. (English)
2. H. Hennig-Schmidt, Z.Y. Li (2001), “Video Experiments- A new Method in Experimental Economics.”Forecasting. Vol. 7 (116-118). (Chinese with English abstract).
3. Z.Y. Li and H. Hennig-Schmidt (2001), “Structure and Purpose of Data Archives in EU Member States as a Basic for Effective Economic Policy Making.”European Studies Forum, No.2:16 - 35, Sichuan University. (English)
4. Z.Y. Li, W.B. Lu, H. Hennig-Schmidt and C.L. Yang (2001),“Function of concession behaviour in negotiation: An experiment in the bargaining model.”Chinese Jour. of Management Science.S9 (351-355). (Chinese with English Abstract)
5. Z.Y. Li, W.B. Lu and H. Hennig-Schmidt (2002),“Uncertainty in the Bargaining behavior: an experimental study of the Ultimatum Game.”Business Economics and administration. Vol.126(4), 23-27.
6. Z.Y. Li, H. Hennig-Schmidt,C. Yang, F.W. Li, J. Yu and W.B. Lu (2002), “A Video Experimental on Bargaining: A Cross - cultural Study in China and Germany.” <ICM2002GTA Proceedings>, 417-422. Qing-Dao Publishing House. (English)
7. H. Hennig-Schmidt,Z.Y. Li and C.Yang (2002), “Non-Monotone Strategies in Ultimatum Bargaining: First Results from Video Experiment in the People’s Republic of China.” <ICM2002GTA Proceedings Volume>, 225-231. Qing-Dao Publishing House. (English)
8. H. Hennig-Schmidt, Z.Y. Li and C. Yang (2002), “Does Power Influence Bargaining Outcomes?” <Conference Proceedings of IAREP/SABE 2002>, XXVII. Annual Colloquium on Re-search in Economic Psychology and SABE 2002 Conference on Behavioural Economics "Stability and Dynamics of Power", Turku, Finland, 30th June - 4th July, 2002, 161 - 167. (English)
9. J. Shi,Z.Y. Li, H. Ning (2004), "The EU Constitution-making and Easternward-enlargement under the Frame of Assimilating - tendency",J. of Southwest University for Nationalities, Vol.25 (6), 172-176. (Chinese with English title)
10. J. Shi, Z.Y. Li (2004), "Elimination of the Unqualified Faculty and the Fairness of Academic Evaluation", J. of Southwest University for Nationalities, Vol.25(1), 164-170.
11. H. Hennig-Schmidt,Z.Y. Li and C.Yang (2004), "A Cross-culture Study on Negotiation Behaviour: A Video Experimental Investigation in Germany and the People’s Republic of China", European Studies Forum, No.5:65-82, Sichuan Univ. (English)
12. J. Shi and Z.Y. Li (2005), "Understanding the European Union’s Potential: A Brief analysis of Lisbon Strategy", Nankai Journal, 2005, No.1: 10-15. (Chinese with English abstract)
13. J. Shi and Z.Y. Li (2005), "Harmony without Uniformity, Seeking Consensus While Reserving Difference": The Development of Sino-EU Relation and Its Future,J. of Southwest University for Nationalities, Vol. 26(12), p.273-277.
14. H. Hennig-Schmidt, Z.Y. Li (2006), "On Power in Bargaining: An Experimental Study in Germany and The People’s Republic of China", Nankai Business Review, Vol. 9(2), 31-38.(Chinese and English)
15. Lu, W.-B., Li, Z.-Y. and Heike. H.S. (2007) ,"An Experiment on Ultimatum Bargaining and Testing on the Differences". <Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Game Theory and Applications (CMGTA’2007)>. World Academic Press,ISBN: 1-84626-166-X, pp.130-134. (ISTP) (English)
16. J. SHI, Z.Y. LI (2007), "EU Eastward Enlargement: Working Together for Growth and Jobs – The New Start-point of Lisbon Strategy". Jour. of Sichuan University(Social Science Version),6:11-15. (Chinese with English Abstract)
17. H. Hennig-Schmidt, Zhu-Yu Li and Chaoliang Yang (2008), "Why people reject advantageous offers—Non-monotonic strategies in ultimatum bargaining: Evaluating a video experiment run in PR China",Journal of Economic Behaviour & Organization, Volume 65 (2), 373-384. (SSCI) (English)
18. Z.Y. LI, J.SHI (2008), "Gaining or Losing in the Free Movement of Workers in NMS: Transition Arrangements for New Member States after EU Eastern Enlargement". In <Searching Europe: The Core of European Integration>, eds by Jian SHI, Dan YI, Sichuan University Press, 2008. (English)
19. Y.H. ZHAO, Z.Y. LI (2008), "A Brief View of Refugee Resettlement Policies in the European Union and Its Member States". In <Searching Europe: The Core of European Integration>, eds by Jian SHI, Dan YI, Sichuan University Press, 2008. (English)
20. Y.M. WANG, Z.Y. LI (2009), "Analysis of the socio-economic significance of The EU language policy in the context of globalization". European Studies Forum, No.9: 50-59, Sichuan University.
21. C. Hosli, J. SHI, ZY LI, W. Pan (2010), "Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis and Euro Crisis: Challenges and Opportunities". European Studies Forum, No.10:9-38, Sichuan University.(English)
22. J. SHI, ZY. LI (2011), “Moving forward optimistically and Cautiously: Analyzing the European Chamber of Commerce’s Survey Report on Business Confidence of European Business in China”, Journal of Social Science Research, Vol. 6: 91-95.
23. W.PAN, ZY. LI, J.SHI (2011), "The Sovereign Debt Crisis in the EU: New Developments and Prospects", COMMERCIAL RESEARCH,2011.11:149-155.
24. H. Hennig-Schmidt, YZ LI (2011), "Equity and Prominence in Asymmetric Bargaining – An Experimental Study on Aspiration Formation and Adaptation in Germany and P.R.China". European Studies Forum, No.12: 16-41, Sichuan University. (English)
25. T.YAN, ZY LI, J. SHI (2012), "Statistical Analysis on the Understanding of Relationship between European-Turkish from the sampling in Turkish university students". European Studies Forum, No.13: 75-83, Sichuan University.
26. ZY LI, D. YI (2012), "The Crisis Is Weakening the Power of EU as a Global Player". Regional Integration Observer, Vol. 6(2),Centre for European Studies, Bonn University, Germany. (English)
27. H. Hennig-Schmidt, YZ LI (2013), "EU-China Experimental Research: Results and impact of cooperation between Sichuan University and Bonn University". European Studies Forum, No.15: 5-20, Sichuan University. (English)
28. ZY LI, Jian SHI (2013), "Promoting the European Higher Education in China", ASEMUNDUS- Good Practice Report, p. 30-31. ASEMUNDUS, Berlin. (English)
29. Dan YI, Jian SHI, ZY LI (2013), "The Uncertainty of EU and the Future of China-EU Relations --An Analysis of the Survey on University Students’ Perception/Cognition of EU in Chengdu City", European Studies Forum, No.15: 21-29.
30. ZY LI, Jian SHI, Dan YI (2014), "A Brief Analysis of University Students’ Cognition of China- EU Relations in Four EU Universities," European Studies Forum, No.16: 21-30. (Chinese with English abstract)
31. J. SHI, D. YI, ZY LI (2015), "The Differences of Recognition in China-EU Dialogue: A Survey and Analysis of the China-EU Relation Recognition among the Students from Four European Universities". J. of Sichuan University(Philosophy and Social Science Edition), Vol. 5(6): 77-85.
32. J. SHI, Z. LANGJIA & ZY LI (2017), “Chinese College Students’ Perceptions of the EU and Its Relations with China”, European Foreign Affair Review, Vol. 22, Issue 3, pp. 411-32. (English)
33. J. SHI, D. YI, ZY LI and Q. ZHANG (2019), "Preparing for the Challenges: To Promote the Dialogue between the Youth of China and EU". In the book <Opportunities and Challenges: Sustainability of China-EU Relations in a Changing World>, May,2019. pp. 138-155. Beijing: China Social Sciences Press. ISBN 978-7-5203-4464-7. (English)
34. Heike Hennig-Schmid,Zhuyu LI (2019),“EU-China Experiments Research-Cooperation between Sichuan University and Bonn University for nearly two Decades”, in SHI & Hiduke edit《Opportunities and Challenges: Sustainability of China-EU Relations in a Changing World》, Beijing : Social Science Publisher, May 2019. pp. 247-282. ISBN 978-7-5203-4464-7. (English)
35. J. SHI, Z. LANGJIA, D. YI and ZY LI (2020), "Jean Monnet Projects and the Possible Impact on Chinese Youth’s Perception on the EU", European Foreign Affairs Review 25, Issue 3 (2020): 467–486.
36. D. YI, ZY LI (2021), "China’s Response to EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: A Macro and Micro View in Analysis", L'Europe en Formation, No. 391: 94-104. (English)
Book Chapters:
*“After the Financial Crisis: The Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Eurozone Crisis.” Chapter 8,In <The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration>. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, December 2011.
*“Discussions on the Greek Sovereign Debt Crisis and the Final Rescue Plan for Greece.” Chapter 9,In <The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, December 2011.
*“The EU and EMU during the Eurozone Sovereign Debt Crisis: Challenges and Developments.” Chapter 10, In <The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration>. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, December 2011.
*“The Development of China’s Economy and Emerging Market Economies in the Process of Globalization.” Chapter 11, In <The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration>. Chongqing: Chongqing University Press, December 2011.
Other Academic Publications (since 2000):
1. Z.Y. Li, Z. Lu and G.X. Chai (2000), “Nonparametric estimation for a nonlinear stable sample process.” Jour. of Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 5(2) 81-93. (English) (MR 2002f: 62043)
2.Z.Y. Li (2000), “On the establishment of the Chinese Micro-Economical Data Archive.” Statistical Research, Special Issue 12-14.
3. X.X. He, Z.Y. Li and J. Shi, etc. (2000), “A Comparative Study of Stress among University Faculty in China and Japan.” Higher Education, Vol. 39(3), 253-277, The Netherlands. (English)(SSCI )
4. Z.Y. Li and X.X. He (2000), “Multivariate Analysis on Stress among University Faculty in China and Japan.” Jour. of Application of Statistics and Management, Vol.19 (6), 8-11.
5. L. Xiao, W.B. Lu and Z.Y. Li (2000) ,”Quantity Analysis on Students' Learning Status in Mathematical College of Sichuan Univ.” Journal of Sichuan Educational College, 16: 55-57.
6. Z.Y. Li (2001), “To explain the distribution of income by nonparametric method.” Forecasting. Vol. 4 (52-55).
7. Z.Y. Li (2001), “To explain the distribution of income by nonparametric method II.” Forecasting. Vol. 5 (67-69).
8. W.B. Lu, Z.Y. Li, F.W. Li and J. Yu (2001), “Statistical analysis on Chinese urban households’ consumption structure in the second half of the 9-th Five-Year plan.” Jour. of Application of Statistics and Management, Vol. S20 (162-165).
9. W.B. Lu and Z.Y. Li, (2001), “Estimation on Engel Curve of Chinese urban households’consumption structure in the second half of the 9-th Five-Year plan.” Jour. of Statistics and decision, Vol.12 (39).
10. W.B. Lu and Z.Y. Li (2002), “Comparative analysis on Chinese urban and rural households’ consumption structure and trend in the 9-th Five-Year Plan.” Jour. of Application of Statistics and Management, Vol.21 (6), 21-26.
11. J. Yu and Z.Y. Li (2003), "High frequency data mining on characters of classifying blocks of listed companies in Shenzhen stock market". Application of Statistics and Management, Vol. S 22(56-59).
12. W.B. Lu, Z.Y. Li (2004), "Nonparametric estimation of stock return volatility and its application to Chinese stock markets". China Journal of Finance, 2004(6), 128-145.
13. Z.Y.Li, X.X. He (2004),"Statistical Analysis on Stress of Chinese Faculty", From J.L. Wang eds <Case Study for Statistical Teaching>, 196-207, Chinese Statistics Press, Beijing.
14. W.B. Lu, Z.Y. Li (2005), "Nonparametric Kernel Regression Estimation of Volatility of Stock Return and its Application to Chinese Stock Markets". Applied Math. Jour. Chinese Univ. Ser. A, 20(1):9-16.
15. R.H. Mao, Z. Y. Li (2005), "Analysis the Difference of Consumptive Structure between Urban Residents and Rural Residents in Chain by Using Panel Data Models", Jour. of Statistics and decision, Vol.2005(3), 54-56.
16. Z.Y. Li, W.B. Lu (2005), "Statistics and Getting New Knowledge", Statistical Research, 2005(5) , p77-80.
17. W.B. Lu, Z.Y. Li (2006), "Local Polynomial Estimation of Volatility", Journ. of Sichuan University, Vol. 43(2), 243-248.
18. J.T. ZHANG, Z.Y. LI (2006), "Comparative Analysis of Tail Risk Measure in Extreme Events". Jour. of Statistics and decision, Vol.2006 (6), 7-10.
19. ZY. LI (2006), "Assembled Teaching Method to Improve Quality of Statistics Specialized Students", Statistical Education, Vol. 79, 4-5.
20. R.H. Mao, Z. Y. Li (2006), "Random Unit Root Procedure",Journ. of Sichuan University, Vol. 43(6), 243-248.
21. R.H. Mao, W.B. LU, Z. Y. Li (2007), "Nonparametric Regression Estimation on the Structure of the Income and Consumption Distribution: A Case Study of Sampling Survey of the Residents in Chengdu", Journal of Taiwan Intelligent Technologies and Applied Statistics,2007, Vol. 5(2), 56-65.
22. R.H. Mao, Z. Y. LI (2008), Dynamic Analysis on the Structure of the Consumption Expenditure among Householders in Chengdu. Jour. of Statistics and decision, 2008(4), 78-80.
23. Zhuyu LI, Cheng ZHANG (2008), "Structure Analysis of Regression Model with Fuzzy Data. Statistical Research. Vol. 25(8): 74-78.
24. W.S.WANG, Z.Y. LI, C.W.ZHU, W.B. LU(2008), "A Study on the Outlier Mining from Multiple Sets of Radar Signals by a Composed Multi-level Method". Radio Engineering of China, Vol.9: 13-15.
25. C.ZHANG, Z.Y.LI (2008),"Structure Analysis of Regression Model with Fuzzy Data",Advances in Systems Science and Applications, Vol.4: 646-654. (English)
26. J.T. ZHANG, Z.Y. LI (2008), "Portfolio Risk Analysis based on the ARCH-EVT Model and Copula Function". China Journal of Finance, 2008(14): 115-137.
27. J.G. GONG, Z.Y. LI (2009), "Nonparametric Kernel Density Estimation and Copula." Application of Statistics and Management. 28 (1):64-68.
28. Z.Y. LI, T.J.WANG, C. ZHANG (2009), "Financial Time Series Analysis in a Fuzzy View". <Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Making>, pp721-728, Springer. (English)
29. T.J.WANG,W.Y. LIU and Z.Y. LI (2009), "Fuzzy Double Linear Regression of Financial Assets Yield". <Cutting-Edge Research Topics on Multiple Criteria Decision Making>, pp59-62, Springer. (English)
30. Z.Y. LI, WY LIU, T.J.WANG(2009), "Fuzzy Double-linear Regression of Yield Series",Statistical Research. Vol. 26(2): 68-73.
31. ZY LI, C.ZHANG and TJ WANG (2010), "Studying on the interval financial time series and evaluating on the forecast", Application of Statistics and Management. 29(1):129-136.
32. T.J.WANG,W.Y. LIU and Z.Y. LI(2011),"The dynamic regression models of financial interval data and the Empirical tests". Jour. of Statistics and decision, Vol.(6): 28-31.
33. M. XU, Z.Y. LI, T.J.WANG(2012)"Study on the Comparative Analysis the FDLR Model and Its Nonlinear Improvement in the Interval Finance Yield Series", Soft Science, 2012, Vol. 26 (12): 141-144.
Academic Book and Selected book Translations:
1, <Nonparametric Statistical Technique in Econometrics and Financial Econometric>, By Z. Y. LI, W.B. LU and J.G. Gong, Beijing Science Press, May in 2007.
2, <Statistics and Truth> (by C. R. Rao), translated into Chinese, Chiu-Chang Publishers, Taipei, Taiwan, 1998; The Second Version, Beijing Science Press, 2004. (with Dr. Jian Shi)
3, <Emerson: The Mind of Fire> (by Robert D. Richardson, JR.), translated into Chinese, Sichuan People’s Publishing House, Chengdu, China, 2001. (with Dr. Jian Shi and et al).
李竹渝 简历 (2020年6月)
2010年07月----至今, 四川大学欧洲问题研究中心学术协调 & 项目管理,研究员
2010年07月----2019年9月,四川大学欧洲问题研究中心常务副主任 & 学术协调、研究员
1994年11月——1995年03月,美国德克萨斯州Incarnate Word大学数学系,访问学者。
1971年02月----1973年08月,四川广元103厂, 工人
2011- 先后访问比利时根特大学、布鲁塞尔自由大学、鲁汶大学(荷语);波兰华沙大学、华沙经济学院;德国哥廷根大学、波恩大学、杜伊斯堡-挨森大学;英国兰卡斯特大学;葡萄牙波尔图大学;法国蒙彼利埃二大;西班牙格拉纳达大学;匈牙利安塔尔知识中心、布达佩斯考文纽斯大学;荷兰莱顿大学等等。
2010.8-2010.10, 德国波恩大学、杜伊斯堡-埃森大学,荷兰莱顿大学
2008.12-12, 日本横滨,第四届国际统计计算学会
2007.11-11, 台湾辅仁大学、谈江大学等
2007.09-09, 日本北海岛大学、中央大学
2005.09-12, 加拿大滑特卢大学统计与精算系
1. 欧盟让莫内课题:理解欧洲一体化的未来愿景(2020-2022,项目主持人。合同号:619907。经费:5.9145万欧元,欧委会。)
2. 欧盟让-莫内课题: 提升欧洲一体化在中国中小企业青年人中的可视度(2018-2020,项目主持人。合同号:568254,经费:6万欧元,欧委会)
3. 欧盟让-莫内课题: 欧洲一体化:现实与挑战. (2015-2017,主持人。合同号:562031,经费:6万欧元,欧委会)
4,中德科学中心项目: 实验经济学和行为经济学的拓展:管理科学中的跨文化研究视角.中德学术研讨会,合同号:GZ576,资助额度:200,940.00元人民币. (2010.5, 成都), 中方主持人。
6, 欧盟终身教育整体行动计划“让莫内项目”:欧洲一体化与文化认同:欧洲一体化进程中的历史、文化与意识形态。(合同号LLP JMC 2008-2753,经费40,448.00欧元,2008.9-2011.10, 第二主研)
7,教育部人文社科研究一般项目:欧洲一体化进程中的文化矛盾及启示研究 (合同号08JA810018,经费:7万元人民币,2008.10-2010.9, 第二主研)
8, 成都市统计局科研课题:“成都市城市居民家庭收入-消费结构的参数与非参数统计模型的比较分析”,经费:1万元人民币,2008.10-2009.9, 第一主研.
9, 国家社科基金项目:行为决策中不确定性的模糊逼近,2007.10-2009.6。(合同号:07BTJ003,资助额度:85,000.00元人民币,项目主持人)2009年国家哲学社会科学规划办公室结题评估‘良好’,证书号****1055。
10,中国电子科技集团公司29所国防科技重点实验室基金:海量数据信息挖掘与信息融合技术,2007-2009。合同号:9140C100****0701,资助额度:120,000.00元人民币, 项目主持人。
11, 四川省统计局科研项目:四川省城市居民消费结构的参数与非参数统计模型的比较研究,2007。资助额度,2000元人民币。项目主持人
12,欧盟“中国-欧盟欧洲研究中心”项目:移民与移民文化对欧洲一体化进程影响的定量分析,2005.12-2007.12. (合同号:ESCP/G001-SCU-1, 资助额度:250,000.00元人民币,项目主持人)
13,中德科学基金研究交流中心(国家自然科学基金、德意志研究联合会(DFG)联合)项目:管理中的文化与谈判艺术:实验方法在跨文化关系研究中的运用, 暑期讲习班,合同号:GZ379,资助额度:363,580.00元人民币. (2006.10.-12, 成都), 中方主持人。
14,成都市经济普查重点研究课题“成都市城市、城镇、农村居民文化娱乐消费结构研究”(合同号:成府经普应用课题 27号,资助额度:10,000.00元人民币, 2006-2007,项目主持人)
15, 国家社科基金项目:经济、金融模型决策分析中数据不确定性的非参数统计推断,2001.10-2004.12。(合同号:01BTJ003,资助额度:52,000.00元人民币,项目主持人)2005年国家哲学社会科学规划办公室结题评估‘良’,证书号:****0362。
16, 国家自然科学基金项目:非参数回归估计方法在消费需求分析上的理论和应用研究,2000-2002。(合同号:****0099,资助额度:90,000.00元人民币. 项目主持人). 2004年国家自然科学基金委项目结题评估‘良’。
17, 国家自然科学基金与德意志研究联合会(DFG)联合资助(国际交流与合作项目): 经济模型中数据不确定性分析的比较研究, 2001-2002。(中合同号:****100005,中方主持人;(德)合同号:446 CHV 113/174/0-1)
18, 中欧高等教育合作项目:欧盟成员国不同政策对经济研究的影响,1999-2000。(合同号: ****0060/99,3500.00欧元,项目主持人)
19, 中欧高等教育合作项目:欧盟劳力、就业市场的非均衡性与高等教育的关系, 2000-2001。(****3123/00 第一主研)
20, 国家教委留学回国科研基金:半参数模型和最小一乘理论的应用,1997-2000。(项目主持人)
21, 联邦德国国家科研基金:微观经济特征分布及均衡模型的结构,1996-1998。(特聘研究员, 德国波恩大学经济学部303经济研究所)(主研)
22, 日本住友财团科研基金资助课题:中日高校教师精神压力比较研究,1996-1998。(合作单位:南京大学。四川大学主持人)
23,国家自然科学基金项目: 删失数据回归分析的若干问题,1996-1998。(第一主研)
24,国家自然科学基金项目: 非参数估计方法及应用软件,1990-1993。(第二主研)
l 四川省科技进步二等奖(集体,川大排名第一),1991年,四川省政府。
l 国家教委科技进步奖三等奖(集体,排名第三,证书编号95-361),1995年,国家教委。
l 国家统计局第九届全国统计科研优秀成果奖专著类二等奖,2008年7月,国家统计局。(排名第一,证书编号:2008C2-1)
l 四川省第十三次哲学社会科学优秀成果奖三等奖,2009年2月,四川省人民政府。(排名第一,证书编号,川社科奖2009:094)
主要教学奖(2000 - )
l 四川大学2000届优秀毕业论文(理科)一等奖,2001年,四川大学。(指导教师)
l 四川大学2000-2001学年优秀教学奖(贰等,个人), 2001年,四川大学。
l 四川大学2005届优秀毕业论文(理科)二等奖(两个),2006年,四川大学。(指导教师)
1. Chai, G.X., Li, Z.Y. and Tian, H. (1991), Consistent Nonparametric Estimation of Error Distribution in Linear Model. ACTA Mathematical Applicate SINICA, 7(245-259). DOI: 10.1007/bf02005973。
2. Li, Z.Y. (1992), An Asymptotic Optimality of the Discriminate based on a Nearest Neighbor Density Estimator. Hiroshima Math. Journal, 22(649-655). DOI: 10.32917/hmj/1206128509.
3. 何树林,李竹渝,邹述超等,(1993), 水稻穗期纹枯病二化螟复合水稻纹枯病、二化螟复合产量损失的数学处理. 数理统计与管理.1992,(04):43-46. DOI:10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.1992.04.010
4. Chai, G.X. and Li, Z.Y. (1993), Asymptotic Theory for Estimation of Error Distribution in Linear Model. J. Science inChina, Ser.A, 36(408-419). (SCI 1993.3d, 3734)
5. 何树林,李竹渝,邹述超等,(1993), 水稻穗期纹枯病二化螟复合防治指标及对策. 《全国主要粮棉作物病虫草鼠害综合防治关键技术研究》, 276-280, 科学出版社.
6. Li, Z.Y. (1995), A Study of Nonparametric Estimation of Error Distribution in Linear Model based on L1-norm. Hiroshima Math. Journal, 25(171-205). (MR 96e: 62055)
7. 贺晓星,李竹渝等(1998),经济转轨时期我国高校教师的精神压力。南京大学学报专辑:高教研究与探索,58 (52-59)。
8. 李竹渝,石坚,杜庆坪(1999),我国高校女性教师精神压力的定量分析研究。中国管理科学,S7(564-568)。
9. 李竹渝,贺晓星(1999),我国高校教师精神压力与身心健康研究的定量分析。数理统计与管理,S18(101-104)。
10. He, X.X., Li, Z.Y., Shi, J. et al(2000), A comparative study on stress among university faculty in China and Japan. Higher Education, Vol.39(3), 253-277,Kluwer Academic Publishers, TheNetherlands. (SSCI 2000 IDS 301RA)DOI: 10.1023/a:1003994500538
12. N.J.Huang and Z.Y. Li(2000). Nonlinear Complementarity Problems for Set-valued Mappings in Hilbert Spaces.Proceedings of the Third Asia-Pacific Conference on Industrial Engineering and Management Systems, 79-83, Global-Link Publishing Company.
13. Z.Y. Li, Z. Lu and G.X. Chai(2000), Nonparametric estimation for a nonlinear stable sample process. Jour. of Nonlinear Functional Analysis and Applications, Vol. 5(2), 81-93.. (MR 2002f: 62043)
14. 李竹渝(2000),尽快建立并完善我国城镇居民微观经济数据档案。统计研究, 2000(S),12-14。
15. 韩泽、方亚平、李竹渝(2000),一类产生于广义国际金融均衡问题的变分不等式的迭代算法。中国管理科学,S 8, 89-95。DOI:10.16381/j.cnki.issn1003-207x.2000.s1.015
16. 肖龙、鲁万波、李竹渝(2000),四川大学数学学院学生学习状况的定量分析。四川省教育学院学报,16(55-57)。
17. 李竹渝(2001), 非参数统计方法对收入分布的解释。预测, 20(4),52-55。
18.李竹渝(2001), 非参数统计方法对收入分布的解释II。预测, 20(5),67-69。
19.李竹渝, H. Hennig-Schmidt, 鲁万波,杨朝良(2001), 让步策略在谈判中的作用:讨价还价模型的一次经济学实验,中国管理科学,S 9(351-355)。
20. 鲁万波、李竹渝、李方文、余竞(2001),我国城镇居民“九五”后期消费结构的统计分析,数理统计与管理,S20(162-165)。
21. 鲁万波、李竹渝(2001),“九五”后期我国城镇居民消费结构的恩格尔曲线估计与实证分析, 统计与决策, 12(39)
22. Hennig-Schmidt, H.,李竹渝(2001),录像实验——实验经济学的一种新方法。预测, 20(7),116-118
23.李竹渝, 鲁万波、H. Hennig-Schmidt(2002),议价行为博弈中的不确定性:有关最后通牒分布式谈判的实验研究。商业经济与管理, No.4:23-27。
24.Li, Z.Y., H.Hennig-Schmidt,C.Yang, F.W. Li, J.Yu and W.B. Lu (2002), A Video Experimental on Bargaining: A Cross-cultural Study in China and Germany.ICM2002GTA Proceedings, 417-422. 青岛出版社。
25. H. Hennig-Schmidt,Z.Y. Li and C.Yang (2002), Non-Monotone Strategies in Ultimatum Bargaining: First Results from Video Experiment in the People’s Republic of China, ICM2002GTA Proceedings Volume, 225-231. 青岛出版社。
26.H. Hennig-Schmidt, Z.Y. Li, C.Yang (2002), Does Power Influence Bargaining Outcomes? Conference Proceedings of IAREP/SABE 2002, XXVII. Annual Colloquium on Research in Economic Psychology and SABE 2002 Conference On Behavioural Economics "Stability and Dynamics of Power", 161 – 167, Turku, Finland.(English)
27. 鲁万波、李竹渝(2002),中国“九五”期间城乡居民消费结构及变化趋势的比较分析, 数理统计与管理,21(21-26)。DOI:10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.2002.06.005。
28.李竹渝,李方文,肖龙(2003),指标变量不确定性对因子分析的影响及对策研究,《安徽省情省力》,2003, 23-24。
29.兰恒友、黄南京、李竹渝(2003),关税贸易博弈模型,四川大学学报, 40(2),204-207。
31.兰恒友、韩泽、黄南京、李竹渝(2004), 城市快速交通线项目票价预测模型,数学的实践与认识, 34(1),24-28。
32.石坚、李竹渝(2004),末位淘汰制与学术评价公平,西南民族大学学报,25(1),164-170。 教育部委办《高等学校文科学术文摘》, 2004, Vol.3 (p.145-146).
33. 李竹渝,贺晓星(2004),我国高校教师精神压力的统计分析,全国统计教材编审委员会“十五”规划教材:《统计学教学案例》,p.196-207, 中国统计出版社, 北京。
35.鲁万波, 李竹渝,杜江(2004),收益率波动性的非参数估计以及对中国股市的应用研究,中国金融学,Vol.2(2),128-145。
36.鲁万波, 李竹渝(2005),股票收益率波动性的非参数核回归估计以及对中国股市的实证分析, 高校应用数学学报(A辑),20(1):9-16。
37.石坚、李竹渝(2005),认识欧盟的潜力:浅析《里斯本规划》,南开学报,2005 (1), p10-15。 《人大复印报刊资料》(国际政治)全文转载,2005(5),72-77。
38. 石坚,李竹渝(2005),“和而不同、求同存异”:中欧关系的发展与展望.西南民族大学学报(人文社科版),Vol. 26(12), 273-277.
39.毛瑞华,李竹渝(2005),利用混合数据模型对我国城乡居民消费结构差异的统计, 统计与决策, 2005(3),54-56。
41.龚金国,李竹渝(2005),非参数密度估计与Copul, 中国金融学,Vol.3(6)。
42. 鲁万波, 李竹渝(2006),波动性的非参数局部多项式估计, 四川大学学报(理科版),43(2),243-248。。
43.张进滔,李竹渝(2006),极端事件下尾部风险度量的比较分析,统计与决策, 2006(6下),理论版(总第216期),7-10页。
44. 海克·施密特,李竹渝(2006)讨价还价实力:中德之间的实验研究,南开管理评论,9 卷2期(31-38)。
46. 毛瑞华,李竹渝(2006),随机单位根过程,四川大学学报(理科版), 43(6)。
47. 石坚、李竹渝(2007),认识欧盟的潜力:浅析《里斯本规划》,《欧洲研究前沿报告》,p.395-404.
48.Lu, W.-B., Li, Z.Y.,H. Hennig-Schmidt (2007), An Experiment on Ultimatum Bargaining and Testing on the Differences. Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Game Theory and Applications(CMGTA’2007). World Academic Press, ISBN: 1-84626-166-X, pp. 130-134. (ISTP)
49. 石坚、李竹渝(2007),欧盟东扩:共同挑战“增长与就业”——《里斯本战略规划》的新起点, 四川大学学报(哲社版),2007(6),11-15。
50.毛瑞华,鲁万波,李竹渝,(2007), 收入-消费分布结构的非参数回归估计: 成都市居民户抽样调查的案例分析[J],智慧科技與應用統計學報,2007,Vol. 5(2), 56-65.
51. Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Zhu-Yu Li and Chaoliang Yang (2008), Why people reject advantageous offers—Non-monotonic strategies in ultimatum bargaining: Evaluating a video experiment run in PR China, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, Volume 65 (2), 373-384. (SSCI,DOI:10.1016/j.jebo.2005.10.003)
52. 石坚、李竹渝(2008),欧盟东扩:共同挑战“增长与就业”——《里斯本战略规划》的新起点, <寻找欧洲:欧洲一体化之魂>, 四川大学出版社,2003.Z.Y. LI, J.SHI (2008), Gaining or Losing in the Free Movement of Workers in NMS: Transition Arrangements for New Member States after EU Eastern Enlargement. <寻找欧洲:欧洲一体化之魂>, 四川大学出版社,2008。
53. Y.H. ZHAO, Z.Y. LI (2008), A Brief View of Refugee Resettlement Policies in the European Union and Its Member States. <寻找欧洲:欧洲一体化之魂>, 四川大学出版社,2008。
54. 毛瑞华,李竹渝(2008),成都市城市居民家庭消费支出结构的动态分析,统计与决策,2008(4),78-80。
55. 李竹渝,张成(2008),模糊数据的回归模型结构分析,统计研究,25(8),74-78。DOI:10.19343/j.cnki.11-1302/c.2008.08.017.
56. 王文松,李竹渝,朱成文,鲁万波(2008),多部雷达信号的复合分层异常挖掘研究. 无线电工程技术,9:13-15。
57.Cheng ZHANG,Zhuyu LI(2008),Structure Analysis of Regression Model with Fuzzy Data,Advances in Systems Science and Applications (2008), Vol.4: 646-654.
58. 张进滔,李竹渝(2008),基于GARCH-EVT方法和COPULA连接函数的组合风险分析。中国金融学,2008,Vol.14:115-137。
59. 龚金国,李竹渝(2009),非参数密度估计与Copula, 数理统计与管理,28(1):64-68。DOI:10.13860/j.cnki.sltj.2009.01.020.
60. 李竹渝,刘威仪,王泰积(2009),金融资产收益率的模糊双线性回归,统计研究,26(2): 68-73。DOI:10.19343/j.cnki.11-1302/c.2009.02.012.
61. T.J.WANG,Weiyi LIU and Z.Y. LI (2009), Fuzzy Bilinear Regression of Financial Assets Yield,《计算机与信息科学》通讯(Communications in Computer and Information Science)第35卷:59—62. 斯普林格出版社。(Springer-Verlag Berlin,Heidelberg)DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02298-2_9.
62. Z.Y. LI, T.J.WANG,C. ZHANG (2009), Financial Time Series Analysis in a Fuzzy View, 《计算机与信息科学》通讯(Communications in Computer and Information Science)第35卷:721—728. 斯普林格出版社。(Springer-Verlag Berlin,Heidelberg)DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-02298-2_105.
63. 范翠丽、李竹渝(2009),一类具有非线性输入的时滞系统的滑模控制,云南大学学报(自然科学版),2009,31(S2): 362-367.
65.王泰积、刘威仪、李竹渝(2011),金融区间数据的动态回归模型比较与实证检验。统计与决策,2011(6):28-31. DOI:10.13546/j.cnki.tjyjc.2011.06.004
66. 石坚、李竹渝(2011),在乐观中谨慎前行——浅析中国欧盟商会在华企业《商业信心调查》报告,社会科学研究,2011(6):91-95.
67. 潘文、李竹渝、石坚(2011),欧盟主权债务危机:新的进展与前景展望,商业研究,2011(11):149-155. DOI:10.13902/j.cnki.syyj.2011.11.036
68. Madeleine O. Hosli、石坚、李竹渝、潘文(2011),金融危机后的希腊主权债务危机与欧元区危机。《欧元:欧洲货币一体化简介》第八章。重庆:重庆大学出版社,2011.
69. Madeleine O. Hosli、石坚、李竹渝、潘文(2011),对希腊主权债务危机的大讨论及对希腊的最终援助方案。《欧元:欧洲货币一体化简介》第九章。重庆:重庆大学出版社,2011.
70. 石坚、潘文、李竹渝、Madeleine O. Hosli (2011),主权债务危机中的欧盟和EMU:挑战与发展。《欧元:欧洲货币一体化简介》第十章。重庆:重庆大学出版社,2011.
71. 石坚、李竹渝、潘文、Madeleine O. Hosli(2011),全球化进程中的中国经济与新兴经济体的发展。《欧元:欧洲货币一体化简介》第十一章。重庆:重庆大学出版社,2011.
72. Zhuyu LI, Dan YI (2012), The Crisis Is Weakening the Power of EU as a Global Player? Regional Integration Observer, Vol. 6(2), Centre for European Studies, Bonn University.
73. 徐蒙、李竹渝、王泰积(2012),区间金融序列动态回归模型的非线性改进实证比较分析, 软科学,2012,12, 141-144.
74. Zhuyu LI, Jian SHI(2013),Promoting the European Higher Education in China, ASEMUNDUS-Good Practice Report, p. 30-31. ASEMUNDUS, Berlin.
75. 石坚、易丹,李竹谕(2015), 中欧对话中的认知差异:对欧洲(欧盟)四校大学生有关中欧关系认知的调查与分析, 四川大学学报(哲社版), Vol. 6:96-103, 2015.
76. 涂东,李竹渝 (2017), 加泰事件折射欧盟两大硬伤,环球时报, Ver. 14, 2017年10月30日.
77. J. SHI, Z. LANGJIA and ZY LI (2017), Chinese College Students' Perceptions of The EU and its Relations with China”,European Foreign Affairs Review,2017, Vol.22,Issue 3, 411-432。DOI: 10.54648/eerr2017033.
78. 庄严、石坚、李竹渝(2017),英国脱欧公投的情况分析:欧洲认同危机的定点爆发, 区别和区域研究, 2017(1):60-70.
79. Jian SHI,Zeren LANGJIA,Zhuyu LI, Meichen ZHANGQI (2019), “Preparing for the Challenges: To Promote the Dialogue between the Youth of China and EU” , in 《机遇与挑战:多变世界里中国与欧盟关系的可持续发展》,北京:中国社会科学出版社》, 138-158.
80.Heike Hennig-Schmidt,Zhuyu LI(2019),“EU-China Experiments Research-Cooperation between Sichuan University and Bonn University for nearly two Decades”, in 《机遇与挑战:多变世界里中国与欧盟关系的可持续发展》,北京:中国社会科学出版社》, 247-282.
81. Jian SHI,Zeren LANGJIA, Dan YI and Zhuyu LI (2020), "Jean Monnet Projects and the Possible Impact on Chinese Youth’s Perception on the EU", European Foreign Affairs Review25, no. 3 (2020): 467–486. DOI: 10.54648/eerr2020033.
82. Dan YI & Zhuyu LI, "China’s Response to EU-Asia Connectivity Strategy: A Macro and Micro View in Analysis", L'Europe en Formation, No. 391: 94-104. DOI: 10.3917/eufor.391.0094.
主要国际国内学术会议口头报告:(仅列2000 – 2010与统计学相关的)
1.“A Cross-culture Study on Negotiation Behavior", International conference on quantity economics, 2000年9月13-15日,北京,中国。(英文)
2.“Multivarat Analysis on stress among university faculty in China and Japan”, The Seventh Japan-China Symposium on Statistics, Oct. 28- Nov. 1, 2000, Tokyo, 日本. (英文)
6.“A Video Experimental on Bargaining: A Cross-cultural Study in China and Germany”, 国际数学家大会博弈论及其应用卫星会议,青岛大学,2002年8月。
10.“An Experiment on Ultimatum Bargaining and Testing on the Differences”,The Second China Meeting on Game Theory and Applications (CMGTA’2007),Qingdao Univ., Sep. 17-19, 2007.
11. “MEASURING THE PORTFOLIO RISK BASED ON GARCH-EVT METHOD AND COPULA”,第九届日中统计研讨会, 2007年9月25-28日, 日本札幌市北海道大学。
12.“收入—消费分布结构的非参数回归估计”, 2007年海峡两岸应用统计科学研讨会,2007年11月17-23日,辅仁大学,台湾。
13. “Financial Time Series Analysis in Fuzzy View”,JASC2008(第四届国际统计计算学会), Dec. 5-8, 2008. 日本横滨.
15. “Financial Time Series Analysis in a Fuzzy View”,The 20th International Conference on Multiple Criteria Decision Making, 2009,June 21-24, Chengdu.
16. “THE DYNAMIC REGRESSION MODELS OF THE FINANCIAL INTERVAL DATA", 第十届中日统计研讨会, 2010年10月15-18日,成都西南财经大学。
IASC-ARS(International Association for Statistical Computing --Asian Regional Section)Board of Directors大陆委员 (2006-2008,2008-2011)
《統計與資訊評論》(台湾)编委 (2008-)
中国统计教育学会 理事(2009-2015)
中国运筹学会对策论专业委员会理事 (2006 -2010)
四川省现场统计学会 副理事长(2005- )
国际一般系统论研究会中国概率统计学会 副理事长(2008- 2012)