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日期:2013-05-01 来源: 作者:


Lectures and Assigned Readings

Prof. Dr. MadeleineHosli, Leiden University, the Netherlands

时间:May 2(Thursday) 14:00–16:00

地点:四川大学望江校区 研3-129

Title: Theories of International Relations and European Integration

Assigned Readings:

Lelieveldt, Herman and Sebastiaan Princen (2011):The Politics of the European Union. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Chapter2.

Pollack, Mark A.(2001):‘International Relations Theory and European Integration',Journal of Common Market Studies, 39, 2, 221-244.

时间:May 3 (Friday) 16:00–18:00

地点:四川大学望江校区 研3-129

Title: Research Methods in the Social Sciences: An Overview

Assigned Readings:

King, Gary, Robert Keohane and Sidney Verba (1996):Designing Social Inquiry.Princeton: Princeton University Press.Chapter one.

时间:May 6 (Monday) 16:00–18:00

地点:四川大学望江校区 研3-129

Title: The Institutional Framework of the European Union

Assigned Readings:

Lelieveldt, Herman and Sebastiaan Princen (2011):The Politics of the European Union.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Chapter 3.

Lelieveldt, Herman and Sebastiaan Princen (2011):The Politics of the European Union.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Chapter 10.

时间:May 7 (Tuesday) 16:00–18:00

地点:四川大学望江校区 研3-414

Title: The European Economic and Monetary Union: History and Challenges

Assigned Readings:

Hosli, Madeleine O., Jian Shi, Zhuyu Li and Pan Wen (2011):

The Euro: A Concise Introduction to European Monetary Integration(authorized translation and update).

Chongqing: Chongqing University Press.Chapters 2, 3, 7, 8.

Madeleine O. Hosli教授学术简历

荷兰莱顿大学政治系教授,让·莫内讲座教授,荷兰国家科学基金会评估委员,阿姆斯特丹德国科学理事会研究所委员,荷兰国际关系学会培训与研究顾问委员会委员,AUCO Czech Economic Review编委会委员,Public Choice编委会委员。


