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中心让莫内教授项目正式启动Launching the Jean Monnet Chair Professor Project

日期:2008-12-20 来源: 作者:

作为欧盟让·莫内讲座教授(主题为“欧洲一体化与文化认同:欧洲一体化进程中的历史、文化与意识形态”)项目的正式启动,四川大学欧洲问题研究中心与荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学政治系于2008年12月19-20日联合举行了相关学术交流活动,中心主任、让莫内教授石坚博士、中心主要研究成员段峰、易丹、李竹渝教授等等,和来自川大文新学院、经济学院、外语学院和宗教研究所的王晓路教授等多名教师、研究生,以及来自荷兰阿姆斯特丹自由大学政治系主任Kees van Kersbergen 教授、新闻活动者Inger Petra Stokkink女士受邀参加了此次交流活动。

交流活动围绕“欧洲一体化:历史与现状”的主题,石坚教授、van Kersbergen 教授、王晓路教授、李竹渝教授、张崇富博士分别就感兴趣的相关主题做了专题发言。石坚教授就中心关于欧洲一体化研究的现状和未来发展趋势进行了简短论述;van Kersbergen 教授就基督教与孔学的起源做了相关的发言,讨论了近年来国内外对孔学兴起的再热研究以及与基督教教义的比较;王晓路教授谈了西方文化研究上精神与功能两个层面的研究体会,特别提出文化研究(Cultural studies)与文化的研究(The study of culture)的不同研究内涵;李竹渝教授简单介绍了近年来西方政治学利用复杂统计模型对一些政治专题的定量研究,讨论了定量研究对定性结论的支持问题;张崇富博士就基督教在欧洲一体化进程中的作用以及未来发展做了介绍。结合欧洲一体化的未来发展以及各位主题发言的内容,参加者进行了积极热烈的讨论,从不同角度探讨欧洲一体化进程中涉及宗教、文化、经济发展等问题。也对欧洲问题未来研究的发展提出了有积极意义的见解。作为学术交流活动之一,中心还组织了部分参会者参观了四川德阳文庙,德阳文庙是中国西部地区保存完整、规模宏大、具有浓郁地方特色的文庙,始建于南宋宁宗开禧二年(1206年)。2001年6月经国务院公布,列为全国重点文物保护单位。

在van Kersbergen 教授访川期间,中心与van Kersbergen 教授就未来的合作研究进行了多次磋商、交换意见,初步决定将在相关课题研究、研究生教学,以及博士研究生的联合培养等方面继续进行广泛有效的合作。

From 19 to 20 December 2008, an academic seminar were jointly held by European Studies Centre, Sichuan University and Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, and thus Jean Monnet Chair Project (with the theme “European Integration and Cultural Identity: History, Culture and Ideology in the European Integration Process”) was officially launched. Dr. Shi Jian (Director of the European Studies Centre and Jean Monnet Chair Professor), Prof. Duan Feng, Prof. Yi Dan, Prof. Li Zhuyu from European Studies Centre, Prof. Wang Xiaolu from College of Literature and Journalism, teachers and students from College of Literature and Journalism, College of Economics, College of Foreign Languages and Cultures and Institute of Religious Studies, Kees van Kersbergen (Dean of Department of Political Science, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) and Journalist Inger Petra Stokkink took part in this academic activity。

Focused on the topic “European Integration: History and Present”, Prof. Shi Jian, Prof. Kees van Kersbergen, Prof. Wang Xiaolu, Professor Li Zhuyu and Dr. Zhang Chongfu delivered their speeches. Prof. Shi gave a brief speech about the history, present and developing tendency of European integration project; Prof. Kees van Kersbergen, as the hot study of Confucianism in recent years both in China and overseas, compared the origin and doctrine of Christianity and Confucianism; Prof. Wang Xiaolu discussed the difference between Cultural Studies and The Study of Culture, giving his idea of the two aspects of Cultural Studies: the spiritual and the institutional;Prof. Li Zhuyu briefly introduced some quantitative studies using complex statistical models on political topics in Western Political Science in recent years, and how to use quantitative researches to support qualitative conclusions;Dr. Zhang Chongfu discussed the function of Christian Democracy in the process of European integration and its development in the future. After these speeches, the participants had lively and active discussions from different angles to probe the religious, cultural and economic issues in the integration process. They put forward their own opinions on the future research of European Studies.
