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HE Rong (何蓉)

日期:2022-01-10 来源: 作者:

HE Rong (1981.09--), Associate Professor of Southwest Minzu University, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at Centre for European Studies, Sichuan University.

HE Rong is the Associate Professor at School of Foreign Languages, Southwest Minzu University. She got her Master’s and Doctorial degree at Sichuan University, with the research orientation of European studies. During her Ph.D studies, she got the scholarship granted by Erasmus Mundus Project and spent a one-year research period in Free University of Brussels (VUB), Belgium. Her research interests are in the areas of European identity, EU’s cultural industry, and EU’s international role. Until now, she has been working on several provincial and ministerial social sciences fund projects, and has published a series of research papers in domestic journals


  1. 四川省教育厅2014年人文社科一般项目基于欧盟官方文本的欧洲认同话语建构研究,课题编号:14SB0604

  2. 2015年度西南民族大学中央高校基本业务专项青年教师基金项目社会话语论视阈下的欧洲认同建构,课题编号2015SZYQN110

  3. 2016年四川省社科规划项目外语专项欧洲文化之都与欧洲认同的话语建构研究,课题编号SC16WY031

  4. 2017年国家民委社科项目穆斯林难民潮与欧洲一体化前景研究,课题编号2017-GMD-044


  1. 欧盟显性与隐性文化政策辨析,《西南民族大学学报》,20145月。(CSSCI来源期刊)

  2. 我国文化产业发展的现实困境与破解路径——基于欧盟文化产业一体化发展的经验考察,《江西社会科学》,201412月。(CSSCI来源期刊)

  3. “Discursive Construction of European Identity – A Case Study on EU Documents”, Academics, 2015:10. CSSCI来源期刊,英文发表)

  4. 略论他者的建构范式与欧洲认同,《人民论坛》,201511月。(中文核心来源期刊)

  5. “The Connotation of European Identity from Cultural Perspective”, 《外语教育与翻译发展创新研究》,20176月。


  1. 第七届外教社杯全国外语教学大赛四川赛区特等奖、全国二等奖,201611月。

  2. 西南民族大学首届青年教学标兵,20219月。

