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Dan YI(易丹)

日期:2019-05-04 来源: 作者:

Yi Dan’s short CV

Educational experience

Jan. 1983 -Dec. 1984 M.A Department of English, majoring in British and American literature, Michigan State University, U.S.A. Feb. 1978 -Feb. 1982 B.A Department of Chinese language and literature, Sichuan University, majoring in Chinese and Foreign literature. Professional experience 2006-2009 Professor at College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University, research member of the ESC of Sichuan University. Visiting scholar at ZEI (Research Centre of European Integration) of Bonn University, Germany (2007) with research project on cultural aspects of EU integration. Research member of the project “Cultural dilemmas and Implications in European Integration” sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China (2008-2009). Teaching member of the Jean Monnet Chair Programme at the ESC(2008-2011). 2001-2005 Professor at College of Literature and Journalism of Sichuan University, research member at the ESC of Sichuan University. Lectures on European Literature and cultures, critical theories, and cultural aspects of EU integration. 2000 Visiting Scholar at Research Center on Development and International Relations of Aalborg University, Denmark, with a grant from the EU-China Higher Education Cooperation Programme. Research project on dynamic relations between political, economic integration of EU and cultural identities of the member states with an emphasis on Denmark. 1999 Visiting scholar at McGill University and Concordia University in Montreal, with a grant from “Special Award for Canadian Studies” of the Committee for International Canadian Studies, Canada. Research project on cultural identity and its applications in political discourses in Quebec. 1997-1998 Professor at Chinese Department of Sichuan University. Lectures on the 20th century Western literary theories and cultures, which include courses on evolution of Western art and cultural context, general introduction to Western literature and culture with emphasis on the European, contemporary Western literary theories. Research project on cross-cultural communication and cultural translatability. 1996 Visiting scholar at Department of East Asian Languages and Civilizations of Harvard University, U.S.A., research project on cross-cultural communication and cultural translatability, with an emphasis on Chinese-English literary dialogue. Research on emergence and evolution of Internet culture and its cross-cultural impacts on different nations. Visiting scholar at New Asia College of Chinese University of Hong Kong, giving lectures on contemporary literary and cultural theories.
