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日期:2018-09-27 来源: 作者:

欧盟官网近期公布了2018年让-莫内项目获得资助的名单,四川大学欧研中心石坚教授、李竹渝教授领衔申报的两项课题上榜。 今年上榜的中国大陆高校还有西南大学。

石坚教授领衔、联合易丹教授共同申报的“Cultural Multiplicity in EU Integration: Challenges and Progresses”课题; 李竹渝教授领衔、联合石坚教授共同申报的“Promoting the EU's Visibility among Young Business People in China's SMEs”课题,均获得欧盟2018年让-莫内项目立项, 并分别获得4.2万欧元、6万欧元课题资助。


“The proposal provides a clear rationale for the project and its content and target audience. The proposed content is relevant to the aims of the Jean Monnet Programme."

“The project design is very clear in its aims and it is based on a solid methodological basis, deriving from previous researches conducted by the project team. The proposal gives a clear overview of the intent and design of the project. The main features and expected outcomes of these are outlined clearly.”

