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四川大学欧研中心与贵州大学联合主办2016‘欧盟日' 2016 EU Day in Guiyang

日期:2016-05-09 来源: 作者:

由川大欧研中心与贵州大学联合主办的2016‘欧盟日'于5月9日下午在 贵州大学管理学院大楼会议室顺利举行。活动伊始,四川大学与贵州大学‘欧盟日'活动工作组向来会师生分发了欧盟相关资料以及川大中心研究员出版的相关书籍、《欧洲研究论丛》等。欧盟驻华使团给‘欧盟日'活动寄来了大量欧洲地图、欧盟宣传册等相关欧盟的资料。贵州大学党委副书记杨未教授代表贵州大学师生向大会表示热烈祝贺,并向大会简单介绍了贵州大学百年历史和文化底蕴。贵州大学经济学院、外国语学院、管理学院以及部分留学生300余名贵大师生参加了‘欧盟日’活动。

欧盟让·莫内讲席教授石坚博士、王雅梅博士随后分别就“走进欧盟: 欧洲一体化”与“欧元的经济意义和政治文化意义”两个主题做了专题演讲。石坚教授向大会听众详细且系统地讲解了欧盟产生的历史、政治、文化以及社会背景、欧洲一体化的发展沿革、欧盟机构与制度建设、欧洲区域一体化特点与意义、中欧关系发展、以及上海经济合作组织、东盟等国际组织简况。王雅梅教授的报告围绕欧元展开,指出欧元是一种有别于国别货币的超主权货币,其意义远超于经济范畴,具有重要的政治意义和文化意义,承载着欧洲人“和平与繁荣”的共同梦想与追求,是欧洲团结和统一的重要象征,也增强了民众对欧洲公民身份、欧洲一体化的认同。石坚教授与王雅梅教授的主题报告受到贵大师生们的热烈欢迎,贵大师生表示主题报告对他们认识欧盟很有帮助。



四川大学欧洲问题研究中心继去年在昆明主办“欧盟日”后,今年又在贵阳开展此项活动,目标是提升我国西南地区高校师生对欧盟的认知和了解,同时也积极提升四川大学欧洲问题研究中心与布鲁塞尔中国与欧洲问题研究院 BACES 在西部地区的影响。贵阳‘欧盟日'活动能获得圆满成功,要感谢贵州大学的大力支持,也要感谢欧盟驻华代表团的大力支持。

活动前, 在贵大老师们的协助下,川大欧研中心让·莫内课题工作组完成了在贵州大学学生中欧盟认知课题问卷调研。

2016 EU Day in Guiyang

The Centre for European Studies (CES) of Sichuan University and Guizhou University jointly held “EU Day” activities on 9 May 2016 in Guiyang. Over 300 Guizhou University staff and students participated in the activities. At the beginning, the working group distributed EU promotional materials including European maps and promotion pamphlets sent by Delegation of the European Union to China.

The activities mainly center around two keynote lectures delivered by two Jean Monnet Chair professors from Sichuan University. Prof. dr. Jian SHI gave a lecture entitled “Close to the EU: the European Integration Development”, which covers a wide but comprehensive range of topics that include historical, cultural, political and social backgrounds of building up the Union, the evolution of integration development, organizational establishment and institutional mechanism, the particularity and significance of European regional integration, the EU-China relations, and introduction to the Shanghai Economic Organization, the ASEAN and other international organizations. Prof. dr. Yamei WANG focused on “the economic, political and cultural significance of the Euro”, emphasizing that the significance of the Euro goes far beyond the economic category because it represents the European common dream and pursuit of “peace and prosperity”, represents the solidarity and unification between Member States, and enhances the European identity of European public. The staff and students of Guizhou University gave the two speakers a round of applause and show their appreciation of the lectures.

Prof. dr. Zhuyu LI, the deputy director of the CES, gave an introduction to the EU Day activities developed by the CES within and beyond Sichuan University in the past years, stressed the peculiarity of the EU as a unique supranational organization in the world, and also hoped students to pay close attention to the EU-China relations, especially the relations between China and the eastern Europe with combination with their study and career plans.

Guizhou University said, such activities not only expand the international outlook of the staff and students and promote the academic communication and cooperation among institutions, but also build up new channels and platforms for the local University staff and students to have a better understanding of the European Union.

Working group from Sichuan University also finished a questionnaire about how to recognize European Integration among Guizhou University students with the supporting of Guizhou University staffs.



